* ENGLISH * MISSION #13 (A0302): PARANAGUA * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0901 HRS EST, 9.24.97" SETDOGG 5 BRIEFSTART DOGGSAYC dog35.wav CHARTXT Word up! SAMPGAP 9721,32200 CHARTXT As a follow-up to the last mission, we're heading back to Paranagua; specifically, to the coastal town of Porto Mosquera. SAMPGAP 176798,198427 CHARTXT The Morida and Pereira cartels have an entire storage depot there. SAMPGAP 267323,283849 CHARTXT Take it out. SAMPGAP 303169,318358 CHARTXT We're talking everything there you guys - buildings, cranes, weapons - every motherlovin' last thing. SAMPGAP 449225,473405 CHARTXT Nine, let's have the Charlie one-thirty fueled by 0915hrs. SAMPGAP 546433,559192 CHARTXT Let's go, go, go go, go. SAMPGAP 585727,0 BRIEFEND